District Regulations


Santa Rosa Junior College is fully committed to achieving a drug and alcohol free environment for its students and employees. The Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 require that, as a condition of receiving funds or financial assistance under any federal program, SRJC must create and maintain a drug-free environment and implement a program to prevent the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of drugs and the abuse of alcohol by its students and employees.

Policy 6.8.4, reviewed January 2012


There are long-term health risks associated with drinking over time, including damage to the heart, liver, and brain, but the vast majority of health risks occur over the course of a single evening. A college-aged student has a much higher risk of an alcohol-related injury caused by a car crash, slipping or falling, getting into a fight, etc. than developing cirrhosis of the liver. At least 50% of sexual assaults among college students involve alcohol consumption by the perpetrator, the victim or both. For students who choose to drink alcohol, actions such as limiting the number of drinks, sticking with the same groups of friends, and having a designated driver can reduce the chance of harm. 

Contact Student Health Services at (707)527-4445 for more information about the health risks of other drugs and harm reduction strategies. Student Health Services provides confidential individual counseling for students who have concerns about their use of alcohol or other substances, and can provide referrals to additional substance abuse community resources.


In addition to being a violation of the state and federal laws, the possession and/or use of alcohol or illegal controlled substances on the SRJC campuses, off-campus centers, and college-sponsored activities are forbidden by college regulations. SRJC is concerned with each student’s welfare who attends the College. 

This information is provided to students to make them aware of both the possible penalties that can result in regulation infractions of college rules, and to inform them that if they have a drug or alcohol-related problem they are encouraged to have a confidential visit with a college counselor or a health services staff member.


The following forms of discipline may be imposed on a student or employee who is found responsible of violations of college regulations. Such discipline may include reprimand, probation, suspension or expulsion, and/or job termination. For specific information concerning the discipline process, contact the Dean of Students (Santa Rosa) at (707)527-4573 and Dean of Student Services (Petaluma) at (707)778-3930 or the college Human Resources Office at (707) 527-4954.

Note: The federal government mandates that Santa Rosa Junior College provide alcohol and controlled substance information and referral information to the staff and students annually. 

Smoke-Free Environment Policy

The Sonoma County Junior College District is a Smoke-Free Environment.

The District promotes a safe and healthful atmosphere for students, faculty, staff and visitors on its campuses, centers and other off-campus sites by reducing the health risks associated with tobacco smoke and related products. Therefore, the District is a tobacco- and smoke-free environment.

Smoking of any kind, including use of e-cigarettes or electronic cigarettes, and all uses of tobacco are prohibited on all property and in all indoor and outdoor spaces owned, leased, licensed, or otherwise controlled by the District, and in all District-owned vehicles.

The District offers information and referrals intended to assist students and staff who wish to quit smoking. For more information about smoking cessation options, contact Student Health Services at (707) 527-4445, or Risk Management at (707) 527-4822.

Implementation of the District Smoke-Free Environment Policy will be the shared responsibility of every student, faculty member, staff person and visitor; additionally, the Sonoma County Junior College District Police shall enforce all state, county and city ordinances that prohibit smoking on or near District property.

Policy/Procedure 6.8.6/6.8.6P


General Information

To inquire about most lost items on the Santa Rosa Campus, contact or visit the Student Life, Equity & Engagement Programs Information Desk, located on the first floor of the Bertolini Student Center (400 Burbank Circle). Their hours are 8:00 AM-5:00 PM, Monday-Friday and they can be reached by phone at 527-4424. For a list of items maintained by District Police, see below. For all other locations, District Police (527-1000) will collect lost and found items and will hold property at their office for a minimum of 90 days (prior to turning it over to Student Affairs on the Santa Rosa Campus).

Items maintained by Student Life & Engagement Programs:

  • Books, notebooks, and planners
  • Sunglasses, prescription eyewear
  • Backpacks
  • Clothing, wallets and purses
  • Keys
  • Jewelry
  • Identification cards and miscellaneous papers

Items maintained by District Police:

It is the intent of the District Police to maintain items with documented serial numbers and items deemed significant in value. Our District Police dispatch center is open 24 hours a day and can be reached at (707) 527-1000.

  • Cell phones
  • Computers and equipment
  • Radios (mp3 players, ipods, etc)
  • Medications
  • Bicycles

Items not accepted: Soiled clothing, water bottles, coffee travel mugs or any other item posing a health risk.

Unclaimed Items

Items are maintained for 90 days before disposition. After 90 days unclaimed items are taken to the Student Affairs Office for sale/auction. Data sensitive materials will be destroyed if unclaimed. When claiming an item, a valid California Photo ID or SRJC Student ID is required.

If an item is found on a Santa Rosa Junior College campus you may turn it over to the Student Affairs Office. Student Affairs may then determine if the item(s) warrant a turnover to District Police.


Continued use of nearby lots is anticipated:

  1. Mendocino Lot: The existing 240 student parking spaces can be utilized during day and evening hours. There are staff parking spaces along the south curb of the entrance to the Mendocino Lot.
  2. “B” Lot (Bailey, Barnett, Baker, Shuhaw, Bussman): B Lot will remain a staff reserved lot from 7:00 am until 7:00 pm. At 7:00 pm, B Lot will be opened up to students on a first-come, first-served basis.
  3. All Staff Lots and All Remaining Student Lots: There will be no other adjustments in assignment or use. 

Parking and Transportation  Alternatives

  1. Centralized Bicycle Racks: The College has expanded its 538 bicycle capacity racks to 750 and centralizes their locations in three or four easily accessible areas. The new  “inverted U”  bike racks are being installed in several phases. Bicyclists are not allowed to ride their bikes on campus pedestrian pathways due to the increasing safety issues related to pathway congestion, construction, etc. Bikes can only be ridden on roadways and in parking lots. 
  2. Bus Transit: Sonoma County Transit, Santa Rosa City Bus and Petaluma Transit are all free to SRJC students with a validated ID card. 

The regular semester permit parking fees will remain at current levels: $60 each fall and spring semester and $4 per daily use.


The College encourages students, staff, and faculty to access the College via public transit.


Daily permits from the parking machines are available to anyone. Visitors to both campuses should purchase a daily permit and place it on the vehicle dashboard.


Persons who have a valid DMV disabled placard or plates and a valid SRJC parking permit, may park in any of the disabled parking spaces on district property. These spaces are designated by the white and blue international symbol of access. 


As established by the Board of Trustees in accordance with C.V.C. 21113a, tow-aways will be in effect when a vehicle is parked in front of a fire hydrant or where the passage of emergency vehicles is hindered and where entrances or exits are blocked. Vehicles may also be subject to tow-away when in violation of any traffic or parking regulation of any Santa Rosa Junior College campuses.


If your vehicle is parked on campus and will not start, the District Police, when possible, will provide jumper cables and the use of the police vehicle to assist you.


No permit is required. Bicycles must be parked in racks located at various locations on campus. Any bicycle chained to a ramp, pole, tree, etc., will be impounded in the District Police Department in the Pedroncelli Center. No bicycles are allowed in hallways of buildings by order of the Fire Department.

Policy 7.12,revised June 2014


No animals, including animals leashed, shall be brought onto District property. This restriction includes animals confined in any vehicle parked within the College boundaries. The following are exceptions:

  1. Service animals.
  2. Emotional support animals as an authorized accommodation only
  3. Animals used in the instructional program.
  4. Animals boarded/used at the Shone Farm.

Owners of animals found on campus in violation of this regulation may be cited and/or have their animals impounded by authorized College officials.

Policies 7.17 and  7.19, Revised January 2013


It is the policy of the Sonoma County Junior College District to permit students, faculty, staff and community visitors with disabilities to be accompanied by service animals in District facilities and on District campuses. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that individuals with disabilities can participate in and benefit from District services, programs and activities, and to ensure that the District does not discriminate on the basis of disability.

A disability is defined as a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities of an individual; a record of having such an impairment, or being regarded as having such an impairment.

Service animals are defined as dogs, or in limited specific circumstances, miniature horses, that are individually trained to do work or perform tasks for people with disabilities. The work or task must be directly related to the person’s disability.

Use of a service animal in public areas of campus facilities and property is allowed. When it is not obvious what service an animal provides, college officials may ask only two questions: (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability, and (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform.

Enrolled students wishing to be accompanied to class by a service animal on a regular basis as an accommodation are encouraged to request authorization from the Disability Resources Department.  Qualified students will be provided with an official Disability Resources Department Authorization for Academic Accommodation letter to present to their instructors indicating the authorized use of a service animal in class.

Enrolled students working as a service dog trainer must obtain an authorization letter from the Dean, Student Conduct, Disabled Students Programs & Services, or designee, in order to bring the dog  to class. All service animal procedures must be abided by for dogs-in-training. Dogs-in-training must wear an identifying vest.

It is unlawful for any person to knowingly and fraudulently represent himself or herself to be the owner or trainer of a service animal.

Policy 7.17/Procedure7.17P, Revised March, 2015


The College is not prepared to deliver telephone messages except in an emergency, such as sudden illness or accident. Please contact District Police at (707) 527-1000.