Transfer Center

It is the mission of the SRJC Transfer Center to meet the needs of students preparing to transfer to a bachelor’s degree program by providing accurate, current information to four-year colleges and a set of coordinated resources, activities, and services that support the transfer process. The Transfer Center offers:

  • Availability of college/university representatives for individual meetings.
  • Assistance with college/university applications.
  • Referrals to faculty for information about majors and colleges/universities.
  • Referrals to other programs that support transfer students.
  • Workshops, seminars, and panel presentations on transfer topics.
  • An annual college fair with representatives from colleges/universities.
  • General directories of information about colleges/universities and their academic programs.
  • Computerized university/college search programs.
  • COUN 80 – Understanding the Transfer Process: a short course about transfer planning.

The Transfer Center is located in the Bertolini Student Service Center and is open Monday–Thursday from 8:00 am–5:00 pm. Friday 8:00 am - 12:00 pm. Call (707) 527-4874, or access information on the Web at


There are four requirements to transfer from a community college to a college/university bachelor’s degree program:

  1. The total number of required units.
  2. General education courses.
  3. Major preparation courses.
  4. A minimum grade point average.

For an overview of the requirements to transfer to a California State University (CSU) or University of California (UC), which are California public university systems, see the following. 

  1. 60 transferable units (courses numbered 1-99).
  2. 2.0 GPA (for California residents).
  3. 30 units of General Education completed with grades of C or better. The 30 units of GE courses completed must include all of Area A (speech, composition, critical thinking) and Area B4 (mathematics). Note: Some CSU’s now require that these four courses be completed by the end of spring for fall transfer and by the end of summer for spring transfer.
  4. File an application for admission while the CSU campus is accepting applications.
  5. For more information please visit the CSU website
  1. 60 transferable units.
  2. 2.5+ GPA (Impacted majors and popular campuses may require a higher GPA and specific preparation to meet “selection criteria”).
  3. 39 units of GE completed and certified (of which 30 units, including all of Area A and B4, must be with a C or better).
  4. File an application for admission during the priority-filing period.

Note: To graduate from a CSU, it is required that at least 9 units of upper division GE be completed after transfer. It is not possible to complete all GE required for graduation from a CSU at SRJC.

  1. 60 transferable units* (courses numbered 1–49 + 4 PE activity courses)—see “Which Courses Transfer and Where”
  2. 2.4 GPA (for California residents).
  3. 2 courses in English Composition.
  4. 1 college-level math course.
  5. 4 courses from at least two of the following areas: Arts & Humanities, Social & Behavioral Sciences, and Physical & Biological Sciences.
  6. The 7 courses must be transferable to UC and completed with grades of C or better
  7. File an application for admission during the priority filing period.
  1. 60 transferable units. Refer to the SRJC/UC Transferable Course Agreement
  2. The 7 required courses.
  3. 3.0+ GPA for California residents (higher GPA may be required for impacted majors).
  4. Lower division major preparation completed.
  5. IGETC or campus-specific GE completed.
  6. File an application for admission during the priority-filing period.
  7. Please refer to the UC website for more information

For General Education (GE) requirements for the CSU and the UC, see the sections in this College Catalog for: “General Education, California State University” and “IGETC” (Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum).

Note: The CSU GE pattern allows students to meet General Education requirements for the CSU only; the IGETC pattern allows students to meet the General Education requirements for either the CSU or the UC.

Major preparation courses (also called major prerequisites) are courses that must be taken at the freshman or sophomore level in order to be admitted to a major at the junior level. Santa Rosa Junior College offers only freshman and sophomore-level (“lower division”) courses. Only colleges/universities with bachelor’s degree programs offer junior/senior-level (“upper division”) courses. Information about major prerequisites for some majors and schools are available from a counselor. It is important to choose a major as early as possible. See a counselor about how to choose a major.

For transfer to an independent (private) college/university or an out-of-state college/university, it is important that the student meet with a counselor as early as possible. The counselor will assist the student in consulting college/university websites about the requirements of each target college/university. It is also important for the student to establish contact with the admissions office of the target school.


At Santa Rosa Junior College the number of each course indicates whether or not it will transfer to the California State University (CSU) or the University of California (UC) for credit toward a bachelor’s degree.

  1. Courses numbered 1–49 will be accepted for credit by the UC (examples: English 1A, Math 10, Sociology 30). However, UC transfer students should not count credit earned for selected topics (48) or special studies (49) toward the 60 units required for admission. These courses will be evaluated by the UC campus after admission.
  2. Courses numbered 1–99 will be accepted for credit by the CSU (Examples: English 1A, Math 27, NRM 51, Counseling 80).
  3. Courses numbered 100 or above do not transfer to either the CSU or the UC (Note: courses numbered 1–299 are accepted for an associate degree at SRJC).
  4. In general, independent and out-of-state colleges/universities accept courses numbered 1–49. It is important to meet with a counselor and establish contact with these colleges/universities to verify acceptable courses.

There are standard “priority admission” application periods for the California public university systems. Specific CSU or UC campuses may accept applications beyond the priority application period. Students can find out whether a particular campus is open for applications from a counselor, the Transfer Center, or the website of the campus to which they wish to apply.

There are variable application periods for independent and out-of-state colleges/universities. Students should visit the website of each school to which they wish to apply for application deadlines.

Priority Application Period to Apply for:

  • July 1-31: Spring semester or quarter of the next year at UC

  • August 1-31: Spring semester or quarter of the next year at CSU

  • October 1-November 30: Fall quarter or semester of next year at CSU

  • October 1-November 30: Fall quarter or semester of the next year at UC

  • Application deadlines for California Independent and Out of State universities vary. It is important to research each campus for their specific deadlines. 


Santa Rosa Junior College has Transfer Admission Guarantees (TAG) with UC Davis, UC Irvine, UC Merced, UC Riverside, UC Santa Cruz, and UC Santa Barbara. These agreements guarantee transfer admission to students who meet certain requirements for course completion and grade point average. Students must complete 30 transferable units before entering into the agreement. Students interested in transferring to one of these campuses should review the TAG criteria on the Transfer Center website and meet with an SRJC counselor to clarify any information.