Student Obligations and Responsibilities
A change of address should be reported promptly to the Admissions, Records, and Enrollment Development Office. Students can also update their address online in their student portal.
Since regular attendance promotes success in classwork, a student is expected to attend all sessions of each class in which he/she is enrolled. Attendance is the student’s responsibility. Any student who ceases to attend a class and fails to drop it officially in the Admissions and Records Office may receive a grade of “F.”
Any student enrolled in a course who is not present or who has not made prior arrangements with the instructor by the first day of class may be dropped from the course by the instructor.
All people attending a class at Santa Rosa Junior College must be enrolled in that class. Please refer to Attendance Requirements Policy 8.1.5, for further information.
- A person seeking to add a class within the prescribed period of time.
- An occasional visitor with the instructor’s permission.
- A person who has been granted auditing status.
Students who will be absent for more than one week should notify their instructors in advance if possible. Students should determine, by consulting with the instructor, the status of any missed work.