Registration Priority

The California Community Colleges Board of Governors recently approved changes that establish system-wide enrollment priorities designed to ensure classes are available for students seeking job training, degree attainment, or transfer and to reward students who make progress toward their educational goals.

One of the great benefits of the changes is that new fully matriculated students who have completed college orientation, assessment and developed an education plan, as well as continuing students in good academic standing who have not exceeded 100 units (not including basic English, Math, or English of Multilingual Students) will have priority over students who do not meet these criteria.

Active-duty military and veterans, current and former foster youth, homeless youth, students in CalWORKs, Extended Opportunity Programs and Services and Disabled Students Programs and Services will continue to have the highest priority level for registration if they meet the same criteria listed above.

Students on probation are encouraged to consult with a counselor to discuss options to improve their academic standing. Two consecutive semesters of academic and/or progress probation can result in loss of priority. Students nearing 100 units should carefully plan their remaining courses.

Beginning Spring 2015:
All new and returning students must complete Assessment, Orientation, and have an Education Plan on file in order to ever earn a registration priority. If you are a continuing or returning student who began spring 2015 or after and do not have priority, one or more of the following steps is missing: assessment, orientation, or education plan. Please see a counselor to review your options to receive registration priority.