Financial Aid

Financial aid may be available for expenses that are directly related to attending college when these costs are more than students, or their families can afford. The eligibility for most financial aid is based on financial need, which is determined by the Financial Aid Office, from information submitted by the student and/or family on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act Application (CADAA). Students are urged to complete applications by March 2 prior to each academic year, although FAFSAs are the FAFSA and CADAA are accepted, and most aid is available, until the following spring. Applicants must also show   demonstrate satisfactory academic progress and be enrolled in an eligible program toward transfer, a certificate, or a degree objective. Certificate programs must be 16 or more units in length to be eligible for financial aid.

General information about grants and loans is available in the Financial Aid Office. Various dollar amounts shown and regulations regarding financial aid are subject to change without notice due to governmental, state, and local requirement changes.

Financial Aid Eligibility

Not all SRJC certificate programs are eligible for purposes of federal financial aid payments.  To be considered eligible, a program must be a minimum of 15 weeks and 16 units in length, must have secured Chancellor’s Office approval prior to the term of aid being paid, and must be included on SRJC’s Federal Aid Program Participation Agreement.

California College Promise Grant Fee Waivers

The California College Promise Grant (CCPG) Fee Waiver, available to eligible students, will waive your per unit enrollment fee at any California community college throughout the state. Students who are residents of California should complete the FAFSA to be automatically reviewed for CCPG fee waiver eligibility. Out-of-state and exempt students can also file a FAFSA and will be reviewed for eligibility

Students who have an AB540 waiver approved by the SRJC Admissions and Records Office, and students who are foreign and exempt, can file a California Dream Application: for review of CCPG fee waiver eligibility.

CCPG Fee Waiver Changes Effective Fall 2016

Minimum requirements for maximum success. 

Whether you want to move into a career or move on to a four-year university, California community colleges want to help you achieve your educational goals. Once you’ve qualified for the CCPG Fee Waiver, it’s important to ensure that you’re meeting the academic and progress standards in order to avoid losing it.

Academic - Sustain a GPA of 2.0 or higher

If your cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 for two consecutive primary terms (fall/spring semesters, or fall/winter/spring quarters), you may lose your fee waiver eligibility.

Progress - Complete more than 50 percent of your coursework

If the cumulative number of units you complete is not more than 50 percent in two consecutive primary terms (fall/spring semesters, or fall/winter/ spring quarters), you may lose your fee waiver eligibility.

Combination of Academic and Progress Standards

Any combination of two consecutive terms of cumulative GPA below 2.0, and/or cumulative unit completion of not more than 50 percent may result in loss of fee waiver eligibility.

How will I know?

You’ll be notified within 30 days of the end of each term if you are being placed on either academic (GPA) and/or progress (course completion) probation. Your notification will include the information that a second term of probation will result in loss of fee waiver eligibility. After the second consecutive term of probation, you may lose eligibility for the fee waiver at your next registration opportunity.

How to regain eligibility

If you lose eligibility for the CCPG Fee Waiver, there are a few ways that you can have it reinstated:

  • Improve your GPA or course completion measures to meet the academic and progress standards
  • Successful appeal regarding extenuating circumstances
  • Successful appeal based on significant academic improvement
  • Not attending your school district for two consecutive primary terms (fall/spring semesters, or fall/winter/spring quarters) The appeals process for extenuating circumstances includes:
  • Verified accidents, illness or other circumstances beyond your control
  • Changes in economic situation
  • Evidence of inability to obtain essential support services
  • Special consideration factors for CalWORKs, EOPS, DSPS and student veterans
  • Disability accommodations not received in a timely manner. If you have questions or need assistance, please contact the financial aid office or registrar at your college.

Please note that foster youth and former foster youth (age 24 years and younger) are not subject to loss of the CCPG Fee Waiver under these regulations. 

For more information about the CCPG Fee waiver visit:

Federal Pell Grants

Pell Grants are federal grants to assist low and middle-income students who are enrolling in any number of units. Awards are initially granted based on full-time enrollment but will be pro-rated for students who enroll in less than 12 units.


Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants are another form of federal grant for the exceptionally financial needy and are given to the lowest income students. FSEOG grants vary.


Extended Opportunity Program and Service Book Vouchers are for full-time students who are educationally disadvantaged and eligible for CCPG fee waiver A or B. Other services include priority registration, book awards, and counseling. Visit

Cal Grants

These are state grants that are awarded by the California Student Aid Commission and paid through the College. There are several types of Cal Grants, including Cal Grant A, B and C. Eligibility is based on financial need and GPA. The deadline to apply is March 2 prior to the year of enrollment for all California colleges and September 2 for all California Community Colleges.

Chafee Grant 

Up to $5,000 per year is available for former foster youth who are California residents. They must have remaining financial need and meet certain age and Independent Living Program (ILP) requirements.

Federal Work-Study

the Federal Work-Study (FWS) program is a form of financial aid that provides students an opportunity to work part-time to earn money to help pay for college expenses. To be considered for a Federal Work-Study award, FAFSA filing students must indicate an interest on their application. If offered (FWS), students are encouraged to seek assistance with the Student Employment Office.

Federal Direct Loans

Federal Direct Loans are funds that a student may borrow from the federal government to help with tuition, books and supplies, and other college expenses. Students must be enrolled at least half time in an eligible program of study, and must apply using the FAFSA and the SRJC Loan Request Form. Loan repayment begins when a student's enrollment falls below half-time (6 units). 


For information about scholarships, see Section 5.

Related information can also be found in this Catalog under “Scholarships,”  “Tuition,”  “Employment,” and “Extended Opportunity Program and Services.”

More information about financial aid programs and policies can be found on the Financial Aid web pages or from the Financial Aid Office, Plover Hall, Santa Rosa Campus. Hours are Monday–Thursday, 8:00 am–5:00 pm and Friday, 8:00 am–1:00 pm. Call (707) 527-4471 or visit