Remedial Coursework Unit Limitation

It shall be the policy of the Sonoma County Junior College District to exercise a limit on the number of remedial coursework units a student may earn within the district. Such limitation will take into account appropriate exemptions and waivers for certain students as permitted by the Title 5 California Code of Regulations. The College shall establish and publish procedures that will assure implementation of reasonable standards for student notification, dismissal, appeal and reinstatement pursuant to this policy. 

I.     Remedial Coursework Definition

The remedial courses shall include those non-degree applicable basic skills credit courses in reading, writing, computation, and English for Multilingual Students designed to ensure acquisition of those skills necessary for successful completion of associate degree, transfer, and occupational courses.

II.    Unit Limitation

A.    A student is permitted to earn a cumulative total of thirty (30) semester units of remedial courses at Santa Rosa Junior College.

B.    Credit course units transferred from other colleges will not count in the 30 unit limitation.

III.  Exemptions

All remedial courses taken by students enrolled in an English for Multilingual Students course and students identified by the district as having a verified learning disability are exempted from the 30 unit limitation. Students with other verified disabilities may be exempted on a case by case basis.

IV.   Notification

Students will not be permitted to enroll in remedial courses above their individual 30 unit limit unless a waiver has been granted.

Students having exhausted the unit limitation shall be referred for further remedial work to appropriate non credit course alternatives.

V.    Waiver

A.    Students may submit a petition to the Office of Admissions, Records and Enrollment Development to waive the 30 unit limitation prior to the date the requested course begins.

B.    Petitions for waiver must include specific documentation of the student's measurable progress toward the development of skills necessary for college level courses as corroborated by faculty recommendation, satisfactory overall grade average, competency assessment, or course work completed elsewhere.

C.    Petitions for waiver must specify the number of units and the course work, or time anticipated to be necessary to attain the desired skill level at Santa Rosa Junior College.

VI.   Reinstatement

A student may petition the Office of Admissions, Records and Enrollment Development for reinstatement to the credit course program upon demonstration of skill levels appropriate for college level course work as corroborated by faculty recommendation, satisfactory overall grade average, competency assessment, or course work completed elsewhere. 


Policy 8.1.14 and procedure 8.1.14P, Reviewed January 2012