Learning Communities at SRJC

Learning communities are linked courses; the same group of students enroll in two or more classes. Learning communities support students’ academic success, build student community, and provide opportunities for campus and community engagement.

1. ASIAN PACIFIC AMERICAN STUDENT SUCCESS: Mana is the mind, one’s life force, and nourishment, and in this learning community, students will cultivate their Mana to find success in school and beyond. APASS invites students to participate in numerous cultural and community engagement activities, and students meet regularly with our APASS Counselor.  Course themes and topics focus on the Asian and Pacific diaspora, and all SRJC students are invited to enroll.  In the fall, students enroll in Counseling 10 (First-Year Experience) and English 1A (College Composition).  In the spring, students enroll in English 5 (Advanced Composition and Critical Thinking), ETHST 22 (Introduction to Asian American Studies), and COUN 80 (Understanding Transfer Process).

2. Avanzando STEM LEARNING COMMUNITY: This STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Learning Community builds connections among students who identify with an educational goal to transfer with a STEM major.  The learning community is part of the District’s HSI-STEM, Title III-Part F grant and is open to all interested students.  The year-long learning community links Mathematics, English, Counseling, and Chemistry courses fundamental to transferring to a four-year university as a STEM major.  Students will have access to embedded academic support and research opportunities through the Avanzando MESA Center, STEM counseling and academic support, retention and success services, and insights into building their STEM community of faculty, friends, and STEM professionals.

3.  PUENTE is a transfer program funded by University of California Office of the President. Puente students participate in a year-long learning community that focuses on English writing, Counseling and Mentoring. Students will enroll in English 1A, English 50 and English 5 that will focus on multicultural literature and experiences. Along with English, students will take Counseling 10 and Counseling 80 which focuses on transition to college and the transfer process. In addition, students will be matched with a mentor who is a professional in the community.

4. UMOJA focuses on student success through Academics, Counseling, and career Mentorship. In the fall, students enroll in Umoja linked courses: English 1A, History 30, and are encouraged to take Counseling 10. The program is open to all students interested in completing a degree/transferring, meeting with the Umoja counselor, and participating in cultural and personal enrichment activities.

Students enroll in Learning Communities because they benefit from:

  • Meeting new students and developing new friendships
  • Team-taught courses in learning-centered classrooms
  • Numerous opportunities for college and community involvement